Saturday 23 November 2013

Welly Walk Wednesday

As part of our Welly Walk Wednesday this week we went on a visit to the Library.
When we arrived Mrs Ward read us the story of “The Gruffalo Child” which we really enjoyed,  lots of us had heard the story before but we all agreed it was definitely one of our favourites. Then we chose our own books .We love looking at books and reading stories and we were able to find lots of books to share with our friends. Some of the books we brought back to school. We could not believe how quickly the time went. Before we left we listened to another story this time about dinosaurs and Mrs Ward reminded us that we can borrow books from the library when we want if we go with our mum and dads.
We enjoyed it so much we are planning to go again and swap our books for some more. But first we want to enjoy the books we have borrowed. Take a look at us reading lots of books in the library.