Monday 14 December 2020

Christmas grid work

Below is the grid for this week. Apologies in the delay of putting this on, there have been problems with Microsoft One Drive today.

Any queries you have regarding any of this work or access problems please contact us on

To access the grid and links below please CLICK HERE


Thursday 9 July 2020

Last week of the summer grid

Hello Year 1, 

It’s the last week of term and it has come around so quick. This has been a very challenging time for us all and you have been fantastic! You have been amazing year 1 and I have thoroughly enjoyed being your teacher. Have a fantastic and fun summer, stay safe and I can’t wait to see you all in September. 

Sunday 28 June 2020

Hello boys and girls, we have been looking at some of the pictures you have been creating. They are fabulous, so we thought everyone should see them!


Hello Year 1,
I hope you are all well and safe. The next home work grid is all about the planets and the solar system. There are activities on HWB homework for you and also on My Maths. Don’t forget we can all stay in touch using J2 message on HWB. Also if you need to get in touch you can email me on  Stay safe everyone.
Mrs Cogbill   Mrs Edmunds 

Saturday 13 June 2020

Weeks 9 and 10 hometasks

Hello Year 1,

I hope you are all safe and well and keeping busy. These next two weeks the homework grid is all about Sun and Shadows. I’ve put some of the activities on to HWB homework for you, remember to save any work you do, but if you prefer you can always do the activity in your books. Stay safe everyone

Mrs Cogbill Mrs Edmunds


Saturday 30 May 2020

Week 6 and 7 Hometasks

Hello Year 1, 
I hope you have all had a good half term and have been enjoying the wonderful sunny weather we have had. We are missing everyone and hopefully we can be together soon. Don’t forget that we can all keep in touch using message on HWB. I love receiving your messages and finding out what you have been doing, it’s a great way for us to all keep in touch.  
The next homework grid is ready, you can do the activities set in your books or using HWB j2e. Remember to have a go, check your work and just try your best. 
There will also be activities set in the homework app on HWB and in My Maths.  
Take care and stay safe  
Mrs Cogbill  Mrs Edmunds  

Sunday 17 May 2020

Weeks 5 and 6 - please scroll down to see the grids

      Hello Year 1,

Just a week to go before its’ half term! I wanted to congratulate you all on all your hard work during this difficult time. You have been working hard and trying your best. I have loved looking at all the wonderful things you have been doing, you have all been very busy, and we are very proud of you all. Keep it up Year 1 we can do it together!
Enjoy the half term holiday, I’m really looking forward to hearing all about it. 
We are missing you all.
Take care and stay safe 
Mrs Cogbill and Mrs Edmunds 

Sunday 3 May 2020

Weeks 3 and 4 Hometasks - Please scroll down the page to see the grids

Hello Year 1,

I hope your all well and safe, and a big BENDIGEDIG! For all the amazing work you have been doing.


I just wanted to remind you that if you complete a task using HWB I can see your work and can keep in touch using the learning conversation.

When you go to My Files to see your work there is a speech bubble, click on there and you can leave me a message and I can keep in touch.

Don’t forget to check the homework app on HWB as there will be a weekly challenge!!! And a weekly task on My Maths.

Remember Year 1 we are learning together and all I ask is just have a go and try your best. 

Stay safe everyone    

Mrs Cogbill   


Saturday 18 April 2020

Home Tasks

Homework for Year One
Hello year one, I hope you have all enjoyed the Easter holidays and have been able to enjoy some of the lovely sunshine we have had. I am missing you lots and am hoping that we can all be together again soon. Until then, I will be setting you some homework to do each day.
Please use the same rules that we follow in class. Take your time to read the homework carefully. Remember to write or draw your work neatly in your book. Check and edit your work to make sure you haven’t missed anything out or made any mistakes. Remember year one we are all learning together, so have a go and try your best. 
In the homework grid are two activities for you to try to complete each day. Sometimes you will record your work in the book we provided, or on HWB using j2write. Please remember to SAVE your work. 
Also on HWB is a green homework app. I will put activities there linked to the homework grid. 
You have all been given your HWB and My Maths user names and passwords, but if you are having difficulty please e-mail me on
I would also like you to try to do the ‘Daily Five’ activities if possible. These are reading, maths practise, keep fit, being creative and celebrating something you have done well. 
Ideas for Daily Five
Reading Ideas -any books, magazines or newspapers you may have at home. Reading or listening to e-books online (go to and register for this free site) Browse the eBooks. 
There are lots of activities and videos on BBC bite size    
 Listen to, and sing jolly phonic songs. You can find these on You Tube. 

Maths Ideas – Counting activities, count forwards and backwards to 20/50/100.  You could do this with a partner and ‘rally robin’ like we do in class. Addition and subtraction- use toys, blocks or anything available in your home. Practise telling the time and using money. Play number games- bingo, snakes and ladders. Sing number songs. There are lots of activities, videos on BBC bite size and CBEEBIES.   

Keep Fit Ideas – Daily walk, jog or run, Joe Wicks PE work out, exercises in the garden, skipping, dancing, circuits in house or garden.

Being Creative Ideas – drawing, painting, collage, making junk models, building with Lego or any kind of blocks or sets, singing songs ( or ( making actions, dancing, acting and performing.

Celebrating – Take some time each day to think about something that you have done well and celebrate it!   

Click here to view the document and access any links

The STEM list is a way of incorporating STEM in a fun way. Some of the activities can't be done at present but many of them can be. Take your time working your way through the list and evidence them anyway you'd like. There is no time limit!

This is a selection of links of educational websites you and your children can access 

Thursday 2 April 2020

Singing is an important part of our life at Maes-y-Coed,  so we are keen to keep pupils singing and enjoying music home.
Please go to
and click 'Take a look'.
You will find a different song released each day, with words on screen for pupils to sing along. You will also find activities / actions to accompany each song. Please take a look and have fun with singing!

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Instructions on how to use Hwb with your child

Log in to Hwb
You will see this screen

Click on just2easy
Then click on Jit5

1. Click on paint and select a picture (make sure to scroll through as there are colouring sheets at the bottom)
2. The pictures to the left of the screen can be selected by clicking on the words.
3. Use the arrows to change the picture and the +/- to size it. Click on the picture where you would like it to go.
4. You can also draw in the picture by clicking on the paintbrush, selecting the colour and size of brush.
5. Give your picture a name and save.

Turtle (which is simple computer coding)

1. Select turtle.
2. Click on big bad wolf.
3. Click on the arrows and direct the wolf to each of the houses and knock them down.
4. Click on the play button bottom left of screen and watch him in action.


1. When you log into hwb go to just2easy.
2. Click on Jit5.
3. Click on write and select a picture from the template.
4. You can choose the size you want of the text as well as the colour.
5. When you have written your story, give it a name in the white box above the picture (this will say write).
6. Save your work by clicking the orange circle with a blue disk in.


  1. Select pictogram
  2. Select a picture in the templates or make your own using the pictures on the left hand side (lion etc)
  3. Minibeasts is a great one for children as they can go into the garden to count. Click the + or - beneath each picture to create a pictogram.
  4. Don't forget to give it a name in the white box above the chart and save.

Thursday 19 March 2020


If after Easter we are not back in school, work will be displayed here for the children to do at home. Please follow by email (link on side of page) which will alert you when something has been posted.
Many thanks

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Today, the children in foundation phase celebrated a Welsh Culture Day with visiting harpist Bethan Nia. A variety of Welsh songs were sung whilst Bethan played the harp. Afterwards the children had a go themselves on the small harps. They all had a wonderful time.