Saturday 30 May 2020

Week 6 and 7 Hometasks

Hello Year 1, 
I hope you have all had a good half term and have been enjoying the wonderful sunny weather we have had. We are missing everyone and hopefully we can be together soon. Don’t forget that we can all keep in touch using message on HWB. I love receiving your messages and finding out what you have been doing, it’s a great way for us to all keep in touch.  
The next homework grid is ready, you can do the activities set in your books or using HWB j2e. Remember to have a go, check your work and just try your best. 
There will also be activities set in the homework app on HWB and in My Maths.  
Take care and stay safe  
Mrs Cogbill  Mrs Edmunds  

Sunday 17 May 2020

Weeks 5 and 6 - please scroll down to see the grids

      Hello Year 1,

Just a week to go before its’ half term! I wanted to congratulate you all on all your hard work during this difficult time. You have been working hard and trying your best. I have loved looking at all the wonderful things you have been doing, you have all been very busy, and we are very proud of you all. Keep it up Year 1 we can do it together!
Enjoy the half term holiday, I’m really looking forward to hearing all about it. 
We are missing you all.
Take care and stay safe 
Mrs Cogbill and Mrs Edmunds 

Sunday 3 May 2020

Weeks 3 and 4 Hometasks - Please scroll down the page to see the grids

Hello Year 1,

I hope your all well and safe, and a big BENDIGEDIG! For all the amazing work you have been doing.


I just wanted to remind you that if you complete a task using HWB I can see your work and can keep in touch using the learning conversation.

When you go to My Files to see your work there is a speech bubble, click on there and you can leave me a message and I can keep in touch.

Don’t forget to check the homework app on HWB as there will be a weekly challenge!!! And a weekly task on My Maths.

Remember Year 1 we are learning together and all I ask is just have a go and try your best. 

Stay safe everyone    

Mrs Cogbill