Sunday 28 June 2020

Hello boys and girls, we have been looking at some of the pictures you have been creating. They are fabulous, so we thought everyone should see them!


Hello Year 1,
I hope you are all well and safe. The next home work grid is all about the planets and the solar system. There are activities on HWB homework for you and also on My Maths. Don’t forget we can all stay in touch using J2 message on HWB. Also if you need to get in touch you can email me on  Stay safe everyone.
Mrs Cogbill   Mrs Edmunds 

Saturday 13 June 2020

Weeks 9 and 10 hometasks

Hello Year 1,

I hope you are all safe and well and keeping busy. These next two weeks the homework grid is all about Sun and Shadows. I’ve put some of the activities on to HWB homework for you, remember to save any work you do, but if you prefer you can always do the activity in your books. Stay safe everyone

Mrs Cogbill Mrs Edmunds